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12 Key Steps to Build High Confidence - by Giti Caravan


Giti Caravan draws on her thirty years of experience as a psychotherapist, counsellor, business consultant, hypnotherapy trainer, and neuro-linguistic programming and leadership coach to share proven processes, procedures, and steps to achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Publications for the University of Saskatchewan

The Devaluation of Immigrants’ Foreign Credentials: The Psychological Impact of This Barrier To Integration into Canadian Society


When evaluating the skill set of immigrants, Canadian employers and professional bodies often have to evaluate unfamiliar foreign qualifications. As a result, these qualifications are often undervalued,  creating widespread underemployment among foreign-trained immigrants. Three studies examined this important issue from the immigrants’ perspective. The first and third studies involved qualitative interviews with samples of skilled immigrants.

A Review and Analysis of Key Constructs in Mental Health Promotion Related Literature as These Inform Contemporary Practice


This research report analyzes eight key constructs found in the mental health promotion literature. It analyzes each construct not only in relation to it meaning in relation to mental well-being and articulation within mental health promotion practice but also for its theoretical perspectives – explicit of implicit – and, even more fundamentally,  its epistemological orientation. In keeping with much of the anecdotal evidence, the literature also tells us that our study populations—Aboriginal and racialized immigrant and refugee women—are very much at the margins in terms of health care provision and policy and programming more generally.

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You can request the full text of this article by sending an email to Giti Caravan, email address Of Caravan Counselling Services. 




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